The Christian Mother


SKU: 8231  |  ISBN: 9780975525005

Fr. Cramer begins at the door of the Church with a mother who has come for God's blessing upon her-The Churching of Women. He continues to explain along with this beautiful ceremony, the vocation of Motherhood and the virtues necessary to fulfill it. Fr. Cramer explains how a young woman should approach the sacrament of matrimony and then assists her in the proper education of her children. Includes the prayers she should daily raise to heaven to request graces for her family.

The Mother's First Visit to Church
The Vocation and Education of a Mother
Love of the Mother for Her Children
The Consecration of a Mother
The Child's Introduction to the Truths of Our Holy Religion
How to Behave with Regard to the Faults of Children
The Guardian of Holy Modesty and Innocence
The Direction of Her Children
The Mother of a Priest
Prayers for the Most Important Situations and Necessities of a Mother

165pp, gold embossed hardcover, 26 illustrations.