Angelus September October 2021 Women and the Church

Angelus Press



5  Mater Misericordia: The Visions of St. Bridget of Sweden, by Amy Fahey, Ph.D.
11 Hildegard von Bingen: Féminine Mystique, by Dr. Andrew Childs, D.M.A.

16 LITERATURE Mary’s Not-So-Painless Labor: The Crucifixion as the Birth of the Church, by Jonathan Wanner
23 ART A Lover for All Seasons: The Song of Songs and the Madonna of the Quail, by Prof. David Clayton
26 HISTORY What a Woman Must Do: The Feminine Mystique Versus the Brigades of St. Joan of Arc, by John Rao, D.Phil. Oxon.
31 THE SAINTS St. Catherine of Siena: Esto Vir, by Michael Cassman
37 COMMENTARY Women’s Ordination, by Michael Warren Davis
42 FROM THE ARCHBISHOP Sermon to the SSPX Sisters, April 10, 1983, by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
47 APOLOGETICS The Relation of the Sexes, by Pauper Peregrinus
50 LITURGICAL STUDIES The Consecration, by Fr. Christopher Danel
54 THEOLOGICAL STUDIES Judging a Tree by Its Fruits, by Fr. Alain Lorans, SSPX
69 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, by Fr. Juan Carlos Iscara, SSPX
67 INTERVIEW with Fr. Jacques Emily, SSPX, by Fr. Dominique Bourmaud, SSPX

The Last Word - Fr. David Sherry, SSPX