Two offices of Maundy Thursday: the Office of Tenebrae and the Ceremony of Foot-washing, chanted in the dramatic style appropriate to the night before the Savior's Passion.1CD 68 min
Introits, Graduals, Alleluias, Sequences, Offertories, Communions, and Hymns from Easter Mass, and the Mass for the First Sunday after Easter. Mass for Easter Sunday Track 1 - The bells of Solesmes Track...
Introits, Alleluias, Offertories, Communions, and a Hymn from the Masses of Eastertide, plus the seven Antiphons of the Resurrection according to the Gospels.1CD 42min
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Two Masses of Our Lady plus the four Antiphons to the Holy Virgin in both Solemn and Simple tones celebrate the humble maiden whom all generations call Blessed. 1CD 45min
The musical highlights of the Gregorian church year sung under the direction of Solesmes choir director Dom Gajard have been digitally remastered. This recording reflects the unmatched authenticity of Gregorian...
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The monks of Solesmes have selected a sampling of the "best," including Antiphons for Lauds of Martyrs at Eastertide, Kyrie IX and Gloria IX. 1CD 64min
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Known throughout the world as the leading masters of Gregorian chant, the monks of Solesmes have released Learning about Gregorian Chant. This recording simplifies and clarifies the world of chant...
The moving chants and prayers for the night before Jesus' Passion, when he gave the "mandate" to love one another as he has loved us. Includes Ubi caritas and Pange...
Introit, Kyrie, Gradual, Tract, Offertory, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, Communion, and Alleluias from Mass for the Dead; and Invitatory, Responses, and Antiphons from the Office for the Deceased. Requiem Mass Track 1-Introit...
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The father of organized Western monasticism is celebrated with Mass and Office chants as well as organ music played on the Grandes orgues at Solesmes. Mass Proper to the Benedictine...
This recording will assist in personal or group praying of the liturgy of the hours for Good Friday. It includes all three nocturnes of the office of Matins and the...
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The great bell of Solesmes calls the listener to the complete Office of Sunday Vespers and Compline on this exquisite recording. Includes antiphons, psalms, hymns and the Angelus.Solesmes Monastery1 CD...