SKU: 7061 | ISBN: 9781949124002
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In January of 1990, Archbishop Lefebvre came to the motherhouse of the Sisters of the Society of Saint Pius X in France to work on writing his book Spiritual Journey. A few days after his arrival, his heart began to give him trouble and serious symptoms once again put the prospect of death before his eyes. All the sisters of the community thus came to be around their founder - a true father - as he recounted with joyful and moving simplicity the story of his life.
And what a life! Born in 1905 in Northern France, family life, nine years old as the First World War raged around his hometown, drafted into military service three times, the French seminary in Rome, the death of his father in a German prison during the Second World War (he was an operative for Belgian Intelligence), missionary work in Africa as a priest and bishop, Superior General of one of the largest religious orders in the Catholic Church ... and why he resigned during what he called the Third World War (Vatican II), the foundation of the Society of Saint Pius X and so much more.
All told in a conversational if the Archbishop were telling you his life story. Very easy to read, uplifting, full of spiritual insights into the workings of Providence in our lives. It is almost impossible to put down - really! With nearly 40 photographs - many new - covering every stage of Archbishop Lefebvre's life.
119 pp. Softcover.
The holiness and humility of the Archbishop is truly felt throughout the book.... definitely a required supplement to the documentary video.
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