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$37.46 $49.95
THE BIBLE IN PICTURES: A Child’s Introduction to Scripture The Bible in Pictures is a gorgeous cloth-bound, silver-foiled, large format pictorial reader for young children. It works perfectly as a book...
$9.95 $15.95
CATHOLICS MURDERED FOR THE FAITH IN SPAIN. This is the true account of the martyrdom of Catholics, who, because they chose to bear witness to the Faith, died for it. Of...
$19.95 $34.95
Unprofitable Lending for the Modern Economy "In this marvelously clear and compact study, Professor McCall explains what usury is, how its evils have provoked massive distortions in our society through...
$8.95 $14.95
A Message We Can Not Ignore The 20th and 21st centuries must be understood in the light of Fatima. Mary’s visit to this little hamlet in Portugal is a fact...
$4.50 $9.95
A unique edition of Pope Pius XI's encyclical Quadragesimo Anno, On the Reconstruction of the Social Order. Contains an introduction by Bishop Richard N. Williamson and four color graphs and...
$7.44 $9.55
Television. There are few technological inventions that have had such universal impact in the past century. But what should we think about this phenomenon, especially from a Catholic perspective? A...
$2.50 $4.95
"[A] most characteristic and delightful study." -Dom Bede Camm, O.S.B. We rightly revere the Holy Innocents as martyrs; but those Crusaders who left all and gave their lives with most...
Man was made to share in the glory of God in this life as well as in the next. With this thought as his theme, Fr. Raymond presents this book...
$13.00 $19.95
Unravels the Pope's encyclical on the Holy Ghost, Dominum et Vivificantem in a thorough paragraph by paragraph analysis comparing the novelties in it to the perennial teachings of the Church....
$6.45 $14.95
In 2005, 55 girls attended one of the many SSPX summer camps that year. But the girls of Camp Olmsted in Russell, Pennsylvania accomplished something quite extraordinary - something not...
$3.25 $4.95
On St. Benedict. Pope Pius XII writes on the life, times and the message of the great Father of Western Monasticism: St. Benedict. Pius XII explains and insists on the...
$3.25 $4.95
On St. Boniface. Pope Pius XII tells the riveting story of the life of the English Benedictine, St. Boniface, who became the apostle of Germany and the true "Father of...
$11.00 $18.95
by Fr. Johannes Dormann Shows how John Paul II's encyclical Dives in Misericordia is the second part (with Redemptor Hominis) of his universal salvation thesis and how it explains the...
$15.95 $21.95
I like Theophane Venard even more than Saint Louis de Gonzaga, because the life of Saint Louis de Gonzaga was extraordinary and Theophane Venard's was quite soul is like...
$11.50 $18.95
Covers John Paul II's first encyclical, Redemptor Hominis, the cornerstone of his "Theology of Assisi." Includes: -The Pope's vision of universal peace -Public manifestations of the new religion -The "trinitarian...
$13.50 $18.99
Introit, Kyrie, Gradual, Tract, Offertory, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, Communion, and Alleluias from Mass for the Dead; and Invitatory, Responses, and Antiphons from the Office for the Deceased. Requiem Mass Track 1-Introit...
$13.50 $18.99
This recording will assist in personal or group praying of the liturgy of the hours for Good Friday. It includes all three nocturnes of the office of Matins and the...
$13.50 $18.99
Introits, Graduals, Alleluias, Sequences, Offertories, Communions, and Hymns from Easter Mass, and the Mass for the First Sunday after Easter. Mass for Easter Sunday Track 1 - The bells of Solesmes Track...
$13.50 $18.99
Two offices of Maundy Thursday: the Office of Tenebrae and the Ceremony of Foot-washing, chanted in the dramatic style appropriate to the night before the Savior's Passion.1CD 68 min
$13.50 $18.99
The moving chants and prayers for the night before Jesus' Passion, when he gave the "mandate" to love one another as he has loved us. Includes Ubi caritas and Pange...
$13.50 $18.99
Introits, Alleluias, Offertories, Communions, and a Hymn from the Masses of Eastertide, plus the seven Antiphons of the Resurrection according to the Gospels.1CD 42min
Talks on Faith, Hope, and Charity in our Modern World by Bishop Bernard Fellay:-Talks of Faith: What we had and what we lost. What may be left? "Just the Creed?"...
$13.50 $18.99
The musical highlights of the Gregorian church year sung under the direction of Solesmes choir director Dom Gajard have been digitally remastered. This recording reflects the unmatched authenticity of Gregorian...