Fatima - Message for Our Times

Fr. Bertrand Labouche, SSPX

SKU: 8700  |  ISBN: 9781937843823

A Message We Can Not Ignore

The 20th and 21st centuries must be understood in the light of Fatima.

Mary’s visit to this little hamlet in Portugal is a fact that is part of contemporary history. The Message of Fatima concerns all of us. Its blessed influence can touch all of us, touch families, touch nations: “If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.”

The commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the apparitions of Fatima must not simply consist in “remembering” them; it must also be an opportunity to measure our fidelity to the pressing calls Mary addressed to the entire world in 1917 through the intermediary of three shepherd children. Never has Our Lady spoken to her children on earth with such gravity and insistence, using such striking means to get them to heed her requests and save their souls: the revelation of Her Immaculate and Outraged Heart, the vision of hell, the miracle of the sun before 70,000 witnesses…


Fr. Bertrand Labouche, ordained a priest on June 29, 1987 by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, was stationed that same year in Portugal, where he exercised his apostolate until 1997. During these ten years, he visited Fatima often, welcomed many pilgrims there and built the chapel of the Society of St. Pius X.

Click the Review link below to read a short review by Fr. Dominique Boulet.

Customer Reviews

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Fr. Dominique Boulet, SSPX
A Book Review by Fr. Dominique Boulet, SSPX

Last summer, after having the privilege and honour to accompany a group of pilgrims from Toronto to Fatima, I was able to enjoy some time of rest with my family. Searching for some simple and relaxing summertime reading, I came across the French version of Fatima 1917-2017 – The Message for our Times, written by Fr. Bertrand Labouche, an old friend of mine. Right away, I was intrigued by the simple, yet captivating style of that book, written by a true pastor of souls. But I need to warn the reader who may be looking for unpublished words of Sister Lucy that “may give the key to understand everything”.

The hunters of scoops may be disappointed, as there is nothing new in that book, which gives a complete summary of what has been written before him, especially by Brother Michael of the Trinity. But what makes the book of Fr. Labouche special, it is the way the author interprets the message of Fatima in view of the situation of the world that we are living now. Things that are happening now are not the fruit of hazard, but should be rather understood in light of a message entrusted to three young shepherds one hundred years ago. Here we are not only talking about the negative things that are deeply disturbing us, but also the positive ones: the fact that the message of Fatima is a great message of hope: hope for the final triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, that may not be too far off in the future.