The best prayer is the prayer of the Church. Here it is—simpler than the Breviary, but essentially the same. Pray the inspired psalms of the Holy Ghost. Around since the...
"What on God's good earth is more glorious than this; to be a mother?" With these words, Cardinal Mindzenty, summed up the glories of maternity, ordered toward the creation of...
The startling truths uncovered by this book will forever change the way Catholics view the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. On September 23, 1968 after having borne the stigmata for...
Doors of Silence offers Key Points of Examination to Find Inner Peace and Foster Union with God. These brief words of advice are a summation of the lessons learned by...
Practical Meditations For Every Day of the Year - on the Life of Our Lord Christ "The best meditation book I've ever found. Everyone I know who uses it says...
“Fr. Molinié brings us back to the essentials of the Gospel: the simplicity of following Christ and the grandeur of God’s plan for us. Every Catholic will find in this...
"At that time shall Michael rise up, the great prince, who standeth for the children of thy people." -Daniel 12:1 Beautiful hardback book with full-color illustrations! Now is the time...
“O God, who desirest not the death, but the repentance of sinners, in Thy goodness vouchsafe to bless these ashes which we purpose to put upon our heads in token...
Christmas is the season of joy and peace with a charm all its own. Yet, If we are to receive everything that the Christ Child comes to give, a spiritual...
An Hour with Our Lord This collection of prayers may be used for public or private devotion. Excellent for making a "Holy Hour" at home or at Church. Contains a...
A Deluxe Prayerbook. Larger size; larger print for people with not so good vision; ribbons; more prayers than pocket edition plus: Epistles and Gospels for every Sunday of the year & some...
"I can personally testify that this is one of the most beautifully produced books I have ever owned! The book is well-bound and easy to hold, the pictures are exquisite,...
Deepen your love and appreciation for this beautiful sacrament with our brand new booklet on Confession! Newly available from Angelus Press, this comprehensive book will help Catholics understand and prepare...
Since 1533, the spiritual exercises of Saint Ignatius have been used by millions to deepen their Christian life. This booklet distills the wisdom of the 30-day retreat into 20 principles...
“Men’s and women’s specific qualities, in different domains, allow them to complete each other magnificently in conjugal life when each has a basic knowledge of the way the other works...
“Everyone, whatever his state of life, will find matter for spiritual progress in this daily reading. I am very happy to offer you this new booklet and wish you a...
A Guide for Young Catholic Woman Angelus Press has completely re-typeset this Catholic classic from 1905. Our edition is printed on beautiful cream paper and encased in a gold-embossed hardback cover...
A BOOK OF ROSARY MEDITATIONS. First published in Bavaria, Germany in 1929, this book contains a beautiful line illustration of each mystery, several paragraphs from the Gospels (or a Father...
Consecration formula to consecrate baby to Our Lady following the baptism ceremony. This booklet gives the parents' consecration formula with a brief explanation of the importance of the act on...
Men need the elevating example of Catholic heroes. Learning from the saints what it is to live and die for the faith is an essential element of a boy's Catholic...
Your Mass and Your Life is a deluxe box set ... "Your Mass and Your Life" is a deluxe five-volume box set by Fr. Beaubien brought to you by Angelus Press....
Archbishop Lefebvre's final book. Spiritual Journey describes sanctity, both simple and profound, based upon the writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. "Souls find in the Summa not only the light of...
Advice for Successful Families What makes a successful family? Is it merely fulfilling the bare minimum of our obligations, teaching our children prayers, ensuring the family goes to Sunday Mass,...
Is there a crisis in the Church today? One would have to close one's eyes not to see that the Catholic Church is suffering a grave crisis. In the 1960's,...