$6.45 $14.95
In 2005, 55 girls attended one of the many SSPX summer camps that year. But the girls of Camp Olmsted in Russell, Pennsylvania accomplished something quite extraordinary - something not...
Credo Credo was the theme of the choir week 2013. The program is like a mirror of our Faith, with works representing various important points of Catholicism in a chronological...
The grand organ of St. Nicholas du Chardonnet has a long and fascinating history. The organ was rebuilt by Cliquot in 1787 and inaugurated by François Couperin. It was spared...
$13.50 $18.99
Introit, Kyrie, Gradual, Tract, Offertory, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, Communion, and Alleluias from Mass for the Dead; and Invitatory, Responses, and Antiphons from the Office for the Deceased. Requiem Mass Track 1-Introit...
$13.50 $18.99
This recording will assist in personal or group praying of the liturgy of the hours for Good Friday. It includes all three nocturnes of the office of Matins and the...
$13.50 $18.99
Introits, Graduals, Alleluias, Sequences, Offertories, Communions, and Hymns from Easter Mass, and the Mass for the First Sunday after Easter. Mass for Easter Sunday Track 1 - The bells of Solesmes Track...
$13.50 $18.99
Two offices of Maundy Thursday: the Office of Tenebrae and the Ceremony of Foot-washing, chanted in the dramatic style appropriate to the night before the Savior's Passion.1CD 68 min
Hymns Of The Vespers
$13.50 $18.99
The moving chants and prayers for the night before Jesus' Passion, when he gave the "mandate" to love one another as he has loved us. Includes Ubi caritas and Pange...
$13.50 $18.99
Introits, Alleluias, Offertories, Communions, and a Hymn from the Masses of Eastertide, plus the seven Antiphons of the Resurrection according to the Gospels.1CD 42min
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This is the complete set of The Liturgical Year in Gregorian Chant. It includes The Temporal Cycle in 7 volumes. Perfect for individuals as well as churches. Sample track: Communio...