“Everyone that shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven. But he that shall deny me before men, I will also...
Against All Heresies is an extremely valuable Catholic resource that summarizes the body of heretical thought leading up to the 1600’s and refutes it in alphabetical order with a categorical index. It was used...
In these twenty-nine meditations inspired by Sacred Scripture, spiritual theology, and the fruit of his own years of contemplation and experience, Archbishop Lefebvre speaks about the life of Christ, His...
Why do some religious believers slaughter those who refuse to convert to their faith, refuse scientific evidence for an ancient universe, or hold God to be an utterly arbitrary being?...
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An easy to read book that effortlessly pierces through the objections of the failed protestant reform while simultaneously introducing the reader to Chesterton’s irresistible charm and ruthless wit, which has...
Over 300 Engaging Answers on Some of the Most Contentious Questions of Today The BEST questions and the BEST answers of 30 years of The Angelus are printed in this...
Considered one of the best and most popular short statements of the Catholic faith ever written. Drawing on God's revelation and the doctrines of the Catholic Church, Sheed focuses on...
Now Available! 12 Engaging Lectures on the Topic of War This incredible 12 lecture symposium was hosted this spring at Notre Dame de La Salette Academy. It outlines, in detail,...
College Apologetics: Proof of the Truth of the Catholic Faith The classic apologetics at the adult level. It is precisely reasoned, and carries the reader through a series of logic...
"Santo subito!" "Sainthood now!" exclaimed the people assembled in St. Peter's Square on the very day Pope John Paul II passed away. The crowd called for the canonization of the...
Instantly Download and listen in your car or at home! Just click ADD TO CART. 14 MP3 tracks included - After purchase, you will be sent an email with a...
The dogma of Hell is under serious attack today, not so much directly, as by not being mentioned at all. Yet, Our Lord Jesus Christ warned about Hell on numerous...
Death viewed according to the senses terrifies and causes fear; but when viewed with the eyes of faith it consoles and becomes desirable. It appears terrible to sinners, but lovely...
"Every Catholic who has found refuge in the traditions of the Church has a story. One doesn't end up at the Latin Mass by accident... "The narratives are written by...
A curious thing happened between the time Fr. Benson lived and where mankind finds itself today. The atheistic ideologies that were then only beginning to take hold in mainstream society...
In this book, Chesterton's brilliance as a writer and thinker again shine through as he explains his understanding of Catholicism and the Catholic Church and how its appeal to reason...
12 Engaging Lectures on the Topic of War This incredible 12 lecture symposium was hosted this spring at Notre Dame de La Salette Academy. It outlines, in detail, what constitutes...
THEME: The World Between the Wars FEATURED ARTICLES: Hope in the Incarnate Word: The Unexpected Theme of T.S. Eliot’s Poetry, by Dr. Matthew Childs An Inverted Pose: Culture amid the...
Thirty-Eight Lessons on How to Recognize Bad Reasoning A book that introduces Catholic logic and critical thinking by blowing up the tricksterism of Madison Avenue advertising, campaign sloganeering, media grandstanding,...
François-René de Chateaubriand was a French writer, diplomat, and romantic whose work greatly influenced the French literary world of the early 19th century. After being wounded at the siege of Thionville,...
Catecismo Del Concilio De Trento: El Catecismo de Trento es una explicación sólida, sencilla y luminosa de las verdades fundamentales del Cristianismo, de aquellos dogmas que constituyen las sólidas y...
El R.P. Pègues de la orden de los dominicos, realizó una labor titánica al condensar las miles de páginas de la Suma Teológica del doctor angélico de la fe católica,...
El Reino De Dios Tomo I Autor: R.P. Álvaro Calderón Editorial: Ediciones Corredentora ¿Tiene sentido preguntarse hoy acerca de la relación de la Iglesia con el orden político? Parece un...
El Reino De Dios, La Iglesia Y El Orden Politico Tomo Il "Nuestro primer tomo sobre El Reino de Dios suscitó reacciones muy encontradas entre lectores que dicen estar, sin...