Theology Of Martyrdom

Fr. Ronald A. Knox

SKU: 8191

"[A] most characteristic and delightful study." -Dom Bede Camm, O.S.B.

We rightly revere the Holy Innocents as martyrs; but those Crusaders who left all and gave their lives with most sincere desire to restore the right of pilgrims to worship in the Holy Land are not martyrs. Why?

In this small treatise, originally presented at a conference in 1928 on the English Martyrs, Fr. Knox explains the criteria for Christian martyrdom with clarity and with examples. He traces for us the evolution of the word and the ideal of Christian martyrdom. He argues against the Modernist heresies with deny absolute truths. This little booklet enlightens and entertains - yet all the while reminding us that some embraced the crown of martyrdom for the cause of Christ!

32 pp.

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