Maundy Thursday

Solesmes Monastery

SKU: 8479N  |  ISBN: 9781557251206

The moving chants and prayers for the night before Jesus' Passion, when he gave the "mandate" to love one another as he has loved us. Includes Ubi caritas and Pange Lingua.

Track 1-Introit     Nos Autem
     Track 2-Greeting and Penitential Rite
     Track 3-Kyrie III
     Track 4-Gloria II
     Track 5-Collect
     Track 6-First Reading: Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14
     Track 7-Gradual     Oculi Omnium
     Track 8-Second Reading: I Corinthians 11:23-26
     Track 9-Tract     Ab Ortu Solis
     Track 10-Gospel: John 13:1-15
     Track 11-General Intercessions
     Track 12-Offertory     Ubi Caritas
     Track 13-Prayer Over the Gifts and Preface for Eucharist
     Track 14-Sanctus V
     Track 15-Eucharistic Prayer I: Roman Canon
     Track 16-Pater Noster and Communion Rite
     Track 17-Agnus Dei V
     Track 18-Communion     Hoc Corpus
     Track 19-Prayer After Communion
     Track 20-Procession and Hymn     Pange Lingua

1CD 64min

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