SKU: 8545 | ISBN: 9780983170518
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After the posthumous book of Archbishop Lefebvre, "The Mass of All Time", we offer now its pendant, "Priestly Holiness".
The passages brought together in this volume constitute a veritable Summa of the priesthood, independent of time and place. It is an invitation to breathe in those ultimate principles which guided Archbishop Lefebvre, so that we, too, might remain faithful to the path he traced out for us. The last chapter is dedicated to the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X, a work of the Church raised up by Providence as a beacon of Catholic Tradition; its mission both yesterday and today is to defend and protect the priesthood and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in all their splendor and their doctrinal purity. May our Lady, Queen of Apostles and Confessors, deign to bless this work and make it an instrument of the grace of her divine son, so that priests might always increase in number and in holiness, for the greater glory of God and of His Church.
--His Excellency Bernard Fellay, Superior General, Society of Saint Pius X
Here are Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's own words on the back cover.
"The true priest loves souls, gives himself to them, sacrifices himself for them for the love of God. He gives himself to souls as he gives them the Eucharist. He gives them Jesus by teaching and by Holy Communion. All of his priestly life thereby becomes a Mass. The holy priest lives his Mass and brings all those around him to live it, as well. He leads them to understand that all of our lives ought to be a Mass, a total oblation, a continual sacrifice of ourselves, out of love of God and out of love of neighbor. That is the ideal of the true priest, an ideal which brings him a lasting joy and peace of soul."
510 pp. Hardcover.
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