The Old and New Testaments. An abridged version of Schuster's Bible History. Appropriate for reading to 3rd-5th graders or letting 4th and above read on their own--actually suitable for all...
College Apologetics: Proof of the Truth of the Catholic Faith The classic apologetics at the adult level. It is precisely reasoned, and carries the reader through a series of logic...
Assist at the Sacred Mysteries with precision. Pictures of the sacristy, sanctuary, sacred vessels, and vestments. Teaches the necessary Latin (with pronunciation guide) and the movements (profusely illustrated) and responses...
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Punishing a child is a serious affair! It is the most delicate responsibility of all! One day, a holy man had the courage to meditate on the essential nature of...
Published for the first time in English, Educating a Child: The Art of Arts by Father Joseph Duhr S.J. is a must-read for all parents and educators who want to...
When Pierre arrives for vacation in the Eternal City, little does he know what hair-raising adventures await him there. The unexpected friendship he forms with Giovanni, the unwilling pickpocket, leads...
Convinced that a critical part of education is to foster in our children a love of the beautiful and true, teacher and writer Laura Berquist presents this wide selection of...
In this book, Chesterton's brilliance as a writer and thinker again shine through as he explains his understanding of Catholicism and the Catholic Church and how its appeal to reason...
Separated from his parents and relatives while fleeing the German invasion of Belgium, young Bernard is picked up by a British commando unit led by Lieutenant Frank Goodheart. Lieutenant Goodheart...
Pierre Cartigny is back from the War in which he has served courageously. The former Lieutenant is now living with his mother and brothers and sisters in the Belgian countryside...
It is May 1940 and the Second World War has broken out. A bomb from a German air-raid has just destroyed a Limousine passing through a French village, killing its...
Considered one of the best and most popular short statements of the Catholic faith ever written. Drawing on God's revelation and the doctrines of the Catholic Church, Sheed focuses on...
This wonderful book was written by Father Augustin Auffray S.D.B., director of the Salesian Bulletin for over twenty years. He studied the life of Saint John Bosco at its sources in Turin...
An excellent way to prepare for, appreciate, and follow the rite of the sacrament of Confirmation. Divided into three sections: Part 1: Quiz yourself with regards to the minimum knowledge...
Grouped into five sections (Symbols, Simple Neums, Rhythm, Special Neums, and Modes), Square Notes clarifies the basics of Gregorian chant. Every fundamental of chant is covered with a short explanation...
El Catecismo de San Pío X es un breve y sencillo catecismo, escrito por el Papa San Pio X cuya primera edición data de 1905, con el importante objetivo de popularizar la...
Los Diez Mandamientos son el código de la paz y la concordia, seguridad pública y privada. La médula de este libro está sacada de la santa Biblia explicada por San...
The Catholic Faith Teaching Manual is a series of 5 books for school children from Grade 2 to Grade 6. Each book contains 15 lessons which cover: - Catechism Questions...