SKU: 8767
“I read this booklet carefully and found it to be excellent. It is very complete and is both solid in its principles and balanced in its application. St. John Bosco called purity ‘the most beautiful of all virtues.’ We might go further and call it a key to the restoration of Christendom. For from pure women will come true and noble-minded men, and only from such men—pure by definition—will come the restoration of all things in Christ.” —Fr. Gerard Beck, SSPX
“This little book, read prayerfully, by older teens and young adults, will be both an encouragement and a tremendous help to purity. In a world that has lost its moral compass to the point that even decent young men and women can easily lose their way, the author gives a clear and balanced explanation of what it means to be pure. The principles on which he bases his treatise are rock solid, the examples enlightening, and the application to real life truly helpful without falling into the trap of being preachy or out of date. The chapter on the divine plan of reproduction is explicit but in an appropriate way. ” —Fr. Gerard Beck, SSPX
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