How To Raise Good Catholic Children

Mary Reed Newland

SKU: 8041  |  ISBN: 1928832865

A 50 year old classic. Newland derives her wisdom from the Catholic home rather than pop psychology. A mother of seven, she shows how classic Christian principles of sanctity can be realized by every family - even the very young. Nothing extraordinary - just holiness and common sense.

Let Mrs. Newland show you how to introduce even your littlest ones to God and develop in your growing children virtues such as:

-The habit of regular prayer
-Genuine love of the Rosary
-A sense of the dignity of work
-Devotion to Mary and the saints
-A proper love for the things of this world and for the things of Heaven
-Attentiveness at Mass
-Love for the Eucharist
-An understanding and love of purity
-The ability to make good confessions
-And dozens of other skills, habits, and virtues that every good Catholic child needs.

224 pp. Softcover.