Some Notes for the Guidance of Parents

SKU: 8291  |  ISBN: 9780978319830

Some Notes for the Guidance of Parents
by Fr. Daniel Lord

Take it from Mother Prioress Marie-Johanna of the traditional Teaching Dominicans (Post Falls, Idaho) who reviewed this book for Angelus Press:

I enjoyed it thoroughly. The principles of education and human nature, etc., and the consequent necessary measures and directions to take are clearly outlined, and excellent. I even laughed out loud, sometimes, as the author describes society, reactions, and situations for instance "contempt for motherhood" on p.15 with great perception and humanness. I certainly will recommend the book to parents. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Seven axioms for parents, The three periods of a child's life, Special considerations for "American parents", The importance of your child's first thoughts, words, impressions, memories, training your child's speech, Avoid cultivating vulgarity, Initiating children into culture, How to meet, greet, and eat, Body consciousness, Forming your children against fears of hospitals, dentists, foods, people, Work in your home, Alertness is not distrust, The dawning of adolescence, Parents must not dodge forming children in purity; what to say and when to say it, Teaching respect for others, authority figures, the opposite sex, The road to good manners, Say no to shock and surprise, Instructions on occasions of sin (parties, cars, music), How your child takes orders and grows up to his obligations, Partnership with your child's teacher, Laughter and liveliness in your home

252pp. Color softcover.

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