The Spiritual Life - Writings of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

arranged by Fr. Patrick Troadec, SSPX

SKU: BD469  |  ISBN: 9781685290405

After the posthumous books of Archbishop Lefebvre, The Mass of All Time and Priestly Holiness, here is now a third volume entitled The Spiritual Life.

It gathers in a single volume the words of Archbishop Lefebvre on the subject of the life of the soul. The words of the great bishop are indeed an inexhaustible wellspring of meditation proper to nourish in the faithful their union with God, to encourage them on the field of spiritual combat and to draw them higher in the practice of Christian virtues. 

This book is not an exhaustive treatise on spirituality, but a presentation of its fundamental aspects.

Arranged by Fr. Patrick Troadec, SSPX

502 pp. Cloth Hardbound

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Ileana Carafas
Beautiful binding and excellent quality

The book is a keepsake for many reasons, most importantly for the inspiring words of the archbishop. Everything from the list of contents to the extensive footnotes is exceptionally laid out. Finally, it is a great addition to my library because of the beautiful cloth binding, including the gold lettering and embossing on the covers, as well as the quality of the paper.

William Scott

Beautiful book by a very important man.

William Kimball
Practical doctrine

An excellent presentation of the Archbishop’s teachings - the teachings of the Catholic Church - as applied to the soul’s life, the life of prayer and virtue. The Catholic faith is something eminently positive; it is a treasure of the highest truths and a code which urges us to live our lives according to these highest truths. Sadly, because of today’s lack of faith and the crisis in the Church, so many of us view the Catholic faith as a matter of NOT believing what the Protestants teach and NOT doing what the Modernists do (etc.). How about believing what Christ DID teach us and imitating the way he DID live his life? That’s what the Catholic faith is all about! And that’s what is presented in this book, in a simple yet profound way.

The four stars are for the binding. If it’s hardcover it should have sewn signatures.

But it is sharp, I have to say that. Thanks, Angelus!

Lynn Mills

This is good from the point of view that this represents his spirituality on the virtues. It does not however represent his writings on the battles he fought against the conciliar church. He would not have written this without mentioning the errors of Vatican II on every other page. Lefevbre upheld tradition and condemned error simultaneously. You cannot separate the two.


In this magnificent volume, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (1905-1991) draws on sacred scripture, the writings of the Angelic Doctor of the Church and greatest theologian St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), other theologians, Doctors and Fathers of the Church, the saints, and other sources.

He mines the profoundness of Aquinas’s Magnum Opus, the “Summa Theologica,” and distills its essence into brief, sublime meditations on aspects of the spiritual life. Every page provides multiple springboards to awe and silent, almost mystical, prayer.

Eternity could never exhaust the never-ending depths of the sacred mysteries discussed in this penetrating work.