FSSPX Catholic Youth Movement (KJB) Andrew Pearce
SKU: 7402
Te Deum Laudamus #7402
The choir week 2011 performed a collection of pieces under the theme Te Deum Laudamus in the Herz-Jesu-Kirche in Saarbrücken, and at FSSPX St. Nicolas du Chardonnet in Paris. The program begins with Tomás Luis de Victoria's renaissance Te Deum and ends Otto Olsson's late romatic version, which creates a unique atmosphere with its SSAATTBB choir, organ, orchestra and harp accompaniment. The album is rounded off by a Bach triosonata, Mozart's famous Exultate, jubilate and two less known works by Victoria and Büsser.
Te Deum Laudamus (2011)
Te Deum (Tomas Luis de Victoria)
Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr' (J. S. Bach BWV 664 - Organ, Fr. Amselgruber)
Duo Seraphim (T. L. Victoria)
Exsultate, Jubliate (W. A. Mozart, KV 165)
Le sommeil de l'Enfant Jésus (Henri Büsser)
Te Deum (Otto Olsson)
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