The Mystery Of Jesus

Abp. Marcel Lefebvre

SKU: 5046  |  ISBN: 9781892331021

In these twenty-nine meditations inspired by Sacred Scripture, spiritual theology, and the fruit of his own years of contemplation and experience, Archbishop Lefebvre speaks about the life of Christ, His mind and will, the love He had for His Father, and His thirst for souls.

How can Christ be a pattern for us? Why is it good for us that Jesus Christ is both divine and human? How can His heart be our heart? What was Christ's mission and what does it have to do with ours?

Cloaking the Divinity with Humanity
"We must constantly remind ourselves that this humanity cloaks the divinity, and that it is a miracle that Our Lord was not always as radiant as He appeared on Mount Thabor during the Transfiguration. Normally, He should have been radiant and have had a glorious body...but in order to suffer for us, Our Lord wanted to wed our mortal condition such as it is, capable of suffering and death..."

Why Are Mysteries Essential
"The mysteries of the Faith are necessary. There must be mysteries. It would be abnormal if there were no mysteries for us, because that would mean we have nothing more to learn from God, and that our little knowledge would be equal to that of God, which is utterly impossible because the divine knowledge, like God Himself, is infinite, whereas ours is finite, limited."

Understanding the Person of Jesus
"How then can we understand this Person who possessed the Beatific Vision and, at the same time, lived as we do? Those who encountered Our Lord in Palestine saw Him as just another traveler, as any other companion for the journey, as any other dinner guest: the simplicity of the discussions and the conversations reported in the Gospels are the best proof of this. The human soul enjoyed the Beatific Vision, but in fact the Person was God Himself, with all the power and infinitude of God. These are extraordinary realities. ...this is exactly what God wants us to realize."

176 pp. Softcover.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

What a magnificent book this is! It deserves to stand beside Ab. Sheen's "Life of Christ" and Frank Sheed's "To Know Christ Jesus", though at about a sixth of their lengths. A particular joy to read at Adoration before the Most Blessed WILL draw you closer to the Sacred Heart of our Redeemer.