Digital Download - 2017 Conference: Fatima and Three Revolutions

Angelus Press

SKU: DLC1704

Fatima: Our Lady's Answer to Three Revolutions
1517 Protestant Revolution
1717 Freemasonry
1917 Communist Revolution

2017 marks the centenary of Our Lady’s apparitions at Fatima. However, it also marks the anniversary of three diabolical revolutions against God, His divine order, and His Church. One cannot overstate the devastating impact these events have had in shaping our modern world. We see the terrible effects all around us: in our public institutions, our communities, our Church, and even our own homes. Almost nothing has been left untouched.

This October, Angelus Press once again brought together some of the best Catholic thinkers, speakers, and writers to consider this year’s topic: FATIMA – Our Lady’s Answer to Three Revolutions. This October 13 -15th we explored these three revolutions and how the message of Fatima can be seen as Heaven's response to these attacks. Learn what we can do to follow Our Lady and overcome these revolutionary influences in our lives.

The 13 Disc Set is available HERE 

Track List:  

  • Jurgen Wegner, SSPX - Introduction
  • Juan Carlos Iscara, SSPX - Martin Luther: The Person Behind Protestantism
  • Jonathan Loop, SSPX - Communist Principles Still Alive Today
  • Louis Schwarz - The Many Sad Fruits of Protestantism
  • Christopher Ferrara and Kevin Symonds - Debate: Is the Third Secret Entirely Revealed?
  • Juan Carlos Iscara, SSPX - Freemasonry: the Anti-Church
  • John Salza - Is Freemasonry Still a Danger Today?
  • John Rao - The Counter-Reformation and the Church's Response
  • Bertrand Labouche, SSPX - Fatima and the Mass
  • Andrew Clarendon - The Story of Fatima
  • Bishop Tissier de Mallerais, SSPX - Archbishop Lefebvre on the Three Revolutions
  • Bishop Tissier de Mallerais, SSPX - Sermon at St. Vincent de Paul Pontifical Mass
  • Mark Stafki, SSPX - St. Maximillian Kolbe, The Militia Immaculata and Communism
  • Q&A Round table with select speakers (Frs. Loop, Labouche, & Bourmaud and Dr. Schwarz)
  • Jurgen Wegner, SSPX - Conclusion