Catholic Family Vol 2 eBook

Angelus Press

SKU: EB8787  |  ISBN: 978194924835

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The family is the foundation of a functional civilization, but in today’s atheistic and expressly  anti-Catholic world society actively seeks to dismantle family life. Vol. II of this series on the family, focuses on the education, discipline, nurturing and ultimately the forming of young Catholic souls.
An essential read for all parents and future parents.  

Topics Include:
To Whom Should the Education of Children Be Entrusted?
Irreplaceable Role of Parents, Their Mission and Example
Father: Head of the Home, Portrait of a Catholic Father
Mother: Heart of the Home, Educator of the Human Race 
First Seven Years, Educating and Forming Children’s Souls, 
Adolescence, The Struggle of Purity, What Is a Catholic School? 
The Church Is Mother and Mistress of the Sciences
The Attacks on the Catholic School, Harm Done by “Neutral Schools” 
The Role Played by Freemasonry, 
The Role, Authority and Influence of Grandparents

Your child is first and foremost a Christian. Rather, we might say he is only a Christian; no thought, no word, no act, no action, in any domain, must ever come from him, during his life here below, that is not animated by a Christian spirit, worthy of a child of God...        - Bp. Mégnin