1962 Misal Diario Catolico Apostolico Romano Estamos encantados de ofrecer a los fieles de habla española la primera edición, desde el Concilio Vaticano II, del misal diario de 1962, con...
In the early 1980's, Angelus Press printed its first Latin-English Missal booklet. Others have come and gone since then, but we believe that our new edition is the best available....
Complete 1962 Requiem Mass in Latin and English with prayers immediately preceding and following. 64 pp. Softcover.
A Sunday Missal that fits in your Pocket! The amazing Pocket Missal is incredibly complete for its tiny size. This new compact version of the 1962 Traditional Sunday Missal is the only one of its...
An important manual of Catholic discipline. Available for the first time in English, On the Just Punishment of Heretics is an important manual of Catholic doctrine and discipline. Author Alfonso...