SKU: 8874 | ISBN: 9781685290573
This collection of hymns was created to aid those wishing to sing while at the Divine Office, Benediction, and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. While by no means exhaustive, these curated hymns are an excellent starting place for all those looking to deepen their liturgical participation.
Hymns included:
Vidi Aquam
Rorate Cæli Desuper
Veni, Veni, Emmanuël
Veni, O Sapientia
Creator Alme Siderum
Resonet In Laudibus
Flos De Radice Jesse
Puer Natus
Lumen Ad Revelationem
Gloria, Laus, Et Honor
Attende, Domine
Parce, Domine
O Filii Et Filiæ
Salve, Festa Dies
Victimæ Paschali Laudes
Veni, Creator Spiritus
Christus Vincit
Jesu, Dulcis Memoria
Quis Sicut Te
Adoro Te Devote
O Esca Viatorum I
Ave Verum Corpus
O Panis Dulcissime
O Salutaris Hostia I
O Salutaris Hostia II
Pange Lingua
Panis Angelicus
Tantum Ergo I
Tantum Ergo II
Tantum Ergo III
Tantum Ergo IV
Oremus Pro Pontifice
Alma Redemptoris Mater
Ave Maria
Ave Maris Stella I
Ave Maris Stella II
Ave Regina Cælorum
O Sanctissima
Regina Cæli Lætare
Salve, Regina—Solemn Tone
Salve, Regina—Simple Tone
Tota Pulchra Es
O Gloriosa Virginum
Iste Confessor Domini
Sancte Pie Decime
Te, Joseph, Celebrent
Te Deum
Ubi Caritas Et Amor
A nice selection of hymns for all Catholics to know...I was surprised to see a few hymns I have never sung (and I was in our choir for several years). I am excited to learn these unfamiliar hymns.
It is also fantastic to have the training videos to learn them correctly.
I'm very excited to use this with my music students. They are studying chant this year, and I'm so glad they will be able to apply and reinforce what they learn while using this hymn book.
I ordered five copies for the kids
Since beginning to host monthly Mass at our house in early 2020 I have been looking for ways to encourage the people who come to Mass to sing! This little book and the accompanying videos might just be an excellent way to accomplish this!
This is a true gem if a resource.
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