Translated by Michael J. Miller
SKU: 8677
Based on the 6th French edition. This book was composed shortly after World War I by an Italian priest who wished to remain anonymous.
“Manete in dilectione mea”? Our Blessed Lord tells us all, but especially is this counsel given to his chosen vessels, those men of his royal priesthood, so that their priesthood may be one of power and fruitfulness beyond measure. Abide in his love and all power will be given unto you, O Royal sons of David!
This jewel, this precious book, speaks to the heart of every zealous, but sometimes timid, priest who desires to do the will of God and to glorify Him in the infirmity of their humanness. You know who you are my brothers in Christ! You have been called to the most sublime office on earth. You feel unequal to the task. You yearn to do great things for God. You thirst to help souls! Rejoice! Here is the recipe for all you desire. Recommended by Pope Pius XI and penned by an anonymous Italian priest who had just passed through the fire and agony of World War—“the Great War”—this book shall be a light unto your path.
Cast yourself upon the breast wherein beats the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Place yourself in the Eucharistic presence of Him to whom all power in heaven and in earth is given. Here is the exhortation and the instruction. The world needs you more than ever. Become a heroic priest. Deus vult!
186 pp. Softcover.
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