SKU: 8553 | ISBN: 9781937843090
Miserere mihi, Domine, et exaudi orationem meam.
These words, "Have pity on me, Lord, and hear my prayer" are the antiphon that precedes the first psalm of Sunday compline. They also sum up the purpose and scope of compline, the ancient night prayer of the Church, and a beautiful way to join your prayers to the thousands of monks, brothers, sisters, priests, and seminarians praying this same prayer.
Our compline book will help you to enter deeply into the official prayer of the Church. With Latin-English text, and the propers for every night of the week, plus the tones for various seasons and feasts, special rubrics, and compline for Holy Week, this is the most complete Compline book available for the faithful. This booklet is perfect for enhancing your family's prayer life!
84 pp. Leatherette softcover. Red/Black text.
Really enjoy these compline booklets
I am grateful for the Latin-English books you provide. I especially appreciate the care you take in packaging so they arrive in perfect condition. Thank you.
Glad to finally be able to use these
This is one of my favorite prayers of the the church. I pray my Compline from the hand book of the Society of The Sacred Heart by the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. I wish the Angelus Press would make an entire copy of the Divine Office.
Now I'm just hoping and praying Angelus press puts together similar books for other hours of the office like lauds and vespers.
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