SKU: 8675
Heart of Jesus Families Novena
According to the revelations of the Sacred Heart and with prayers composed by Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
For the spread of the kingdom of the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so as to renew all things in Christ
This novena also serves as the Perpetual Novena of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Families
The Importance of Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in our Time
Honoring the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is more than a devotional practice. In the Heart of Christ, we honor the most profound mystery of His divine-human love: the love of God which, in the God-man Jesus Christ, was sacrificed for us even unto death to redeem us from our sins and thereby to reconcile and unite us again with God.
Therefore, this love of God also demands a response: our love in return, and the surrender of our heart. Consequently, this devotion is something profoundly interior; it consists of the deepening of our relationship to Christ, and touches on the most essential elements of our religion: union with God, and life with Him and in Him.
Why is devotion to the Heart of Jesus necessary, especially today, to promote our eternal salvation? There are three reasons to consider:
92 pp. Durable flex-softcover.
This is a very special book! It teaches a soul how Jesus loves it. It also teaches a soul how to love Jesus. A must for today's world grown cold in the love of God! This book will help spread the social kingship of Jesus Christ the King! Thank you for this great book! Keep up the great work! Christus Vincit! Christus Regnat! Christus Imperat!
A friend discovered this book and shared it with several at our chapel. It grew in popularity and I believe almost every family at our chapel has a copy. We did a year long novena two years ago starting on the feast of the Sacred Heart and continuing to the feast of the SH of the following year. Each family signed up to pray the novena so it was always being prayed by one of our families throughout the year. Many families also took the opportunity during this year to have their homes enthroned to the Sacred Heart. I can not recommend this novena enough. We believe our chapel was very much blessed by praying this novena. We continue to use it as a small group novena.
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