SKU: 8551 | ISBN: 9781937843083
Painted Saints is a delightfully charming tale of a young orphan boy, Marcel, who is taken in by the kindly older priest, Father Serrano. In addition to teaching Marcel how to be a young Catholic gentleman, Fr. Serrano has a special skill, which he shares with Marcel: He makes small clay statues of the saints, which he paints with delicate care afterwards.
The story takes you through the formative years of Marcel's life, all set against the backdrop of the bustling city of Marseilles. This charming tale makes life in that city come alive, painting clear pictures of the people, places, and sites of a time gone by, all the while encouraging virtue, duty, and a healthy desire for adventure in the hearts of the young!
164 pp. Softcover, Contains Illustrations
The SANTONS of the French Provence are unique and one needs to present an informed setting for this story. It is not for small children, but for junior high age, with GUIDANCE. It is an excellent LITERARY work, and deserves a TUTOR to lead a youth through the NUANCES of the fascinating and intricate TALE. The CHARACTER FORMATION in this story is truly CATHOLIC, and evokes the attention of us who still remember and recognize it. The father figure of a truly HUMAN and PATERNAL Catholic priest is refreshing, and we knew SO MANY of such, before this godless secularism of ours erased the truth from view. Read it, gift it, and treasure this book. It will be a pleasure to reread numerous times, for all ages in the family circle.
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