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- Fr. Markus Heggenberger, Letter from the Editor
- Norbert Clasen, European Roots of National Socialism Part 1
- Kathnews, Interview with Fr. Franz Schmidberger
- Fr. Thomas Jatzkowski, The Lord's Prayer Part 1
- Fideliter, Doctrinal Discussions in Rome
- Frs. Andreas Maehlmann and Daniel Fringeli, On the Way to a Unified World Religion: A New Fatima
- Fr. Joseph Spillman, The Pirate's Prisoner Part 3
- Dr. David Allen White, Dante: An Introduction
- Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, The Authority of Vatican II Questioned Part 5
- Isabelle Doré, Television: The Soul at Risk Part 6
Church and World:
- The Catholic Church at the Crossroads: Decline or Reform?
Document 1: Attacks Against Clerical Celibacy
Document 2: Pope Sends Letter to Irish Bishops
Document 3: Prominent Jewish Businessman Come to Defense of the Church
Document 4: British Newspaper Features Striking Editorial
Question and Answer
- Having no choice, I went to a Novus Ordo priest for Confession, who gave me absolution saying "I bless and forgive you all your sins, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Was it valid?
- Am I obliged to make restitution, although I have not gained anything by my action harming another's property?
- May Catholics patronize thrift stores owned by and benefiting false religions (e.g., the Salvation Army)?