SKU: 8910
Altar Boy Training Boot Camp Kit
It is a privilege for eligible young Catholic young men to serve and assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is the normative practice of the Church to have at least one altar server present at every Mass. Parents wishing to teach their sons how to serve properly while mastering the Latin responses will find this kit to be an indispensable resource. If young men are to assist the priest as servers, this responsibility and honor must be taken seriously. With careful training, dedicated young men can fill the profound role of servers with the respect and dignity due to the Eternal Sacrifice.
INCLUDED IN THIS KIT: Two booklets, one laminated response sheet, and one mp3 audio recording for download
Learn Your Responses (Audio Recording)
Learn the Latin Mass Responses Quickly and Properly
This kit comes with a downloadable digital recording of a priest of the Society of Saint Pius X and an altar boy saying each prompt and response of the Mass. Over the course of the recording, there is time to respond after each prompt and then repeat the process to aid in memorization.
Learn How To Serve Low Mass (Booklet) (SKU 5016)
Fr. William A. O’Brien
This booklet teaches how to assist at the Sacred Mysteries with precision. Pictures of the sacristy, sanctuary, sacred vessels, and vestments are included. Further, this booklet provides instructions on the necessary Latin vocabulary (with pronunciation guide), movements (profusely illustrated), and responses for serving Low Mass according to the 1962 Roman Missal. Instructions for serving at a Requiem Mass, Mass in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed, Low Mass with two servers, and Benediction are also covered.
Letters To An Altar Boy (Booklet) (SKU 8497)
Fr. David E. Rosago
These letters are written so that all acolytes may find encouragement and continue to be loyal and faithful in their service to God. Fr. Rosage shows young men that serving Mass is the greatest honor in the parish–one that demands sacrifice. He knows that while being on call for serving is not always easy, it is a great privilege for young men to give of their time to assist at the Church’s immemorial liturgy.
Written in an easy style understandable to boys and young men of all ages, this book is full of helpful pointers about the correct manner of serving, the necessity of being on time, and many other aspects of this sacred duty. It offers inspiration and motivation for living up to the ideals that an altar server is committed to follow. Further, it is an extremely practical book for those looking to help their boys realize just how important it is to serve at God’s altar. Serving is a great way to introduce young men to the priestly vocation and bring them closer to God.
Laminated Latin Mass Response Sheet (SKU 8885)
Includes all priest prompts as well as the responses needed to be said by the altar server.
This kit is just what I needed to help prepare my nine-year-old son. The thought of doing it on my own, seemed a bit daunting, but the resourceswill go a long way in his training and preparation
The written and recorded information is not only very clear and concise, but very inspiring. A treasure for future vocations!
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