Sister Mary Isadore Lennon, R.S.M.
SKU: 8776 | ISBN: 9781949124620
Propers of the Mass Not Included
1962 Traditional Latin / English Sunday Compact Missal
All other prayers are in English
The Sign of the Cross, Morning Offering, The Lord’s Prayer, The Hail Mary, The Gloria Patri, The Apostles’ Creed, The Confiteor, An Act of Faith, An Act of Hope, An Act of Charity, An Act of Contrition, Prayer to the Guardian Angel, Prayers During the Day, Grace Before Meals, Grace After Meals, The Angelus, Evening Prayers, Act of Resignation, Prayer to the Holy Family, Night Oblation, Prayer for the Dying, Prayer for the Sick, Prayer for Priests, Vestments, THE ORDINARY OF THE MASS in Latin and English, Prayers After Low Mass, Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Prayers for Confession, Examination of Conscience, An Act of Contrition, Prayers for Holy Communion, Prayers After Communion, An Act of Adoration, An Act of Love, The Stations of the Cross, Prayer Before a Crucifix, Anima Christi, Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Consecration to the Sacred Heart , Memorare, Salve Regina, Prayer to the Immaculate Virgin, Thirty Days’ Prayer, Litany of the Blessed Virgin, A Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Prayer of Cardinal Newman, A Spiritual Communion, Our Lady of Fatima Novena, The Holy Rosary, Special Prayers, For a Sick Person, For a Mother With Child, For a Sick Child, For Motherhood, Prayer in Affliction, Indulgenced Ejaculations, Prayer for Our Own in Purgatory, Prayer When Suffering, Offering to the Eternal Father, Prayer to St. Dismas, Prayer of Supplication, Prayer to St. Jude, Prayer to St. Anthony, Prayer to St. Anne, Prayer for Peace, Prayer for Those in Active Service, Efficacious Prayer to the Holy Child Jesus, Prayer to the Infant of Prague, Powerful Novena of Childlike Confidence
I have a pocket missal my dad gave me in 1964 and was delighted to find the missal at AngelusPress. I was able to get a copy for my grade school classmate. Thanks so much.
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