Traditional Roman Hymnal Choir Edition

Michael McGowen

SKU: 8726  |  ISBN: 9781937843946

After several years of work, we are pleased to announce the arrival of the long-awaited release of The Traditional Roman Hymnal - Choir Edition.  This volume contains the full musical notation and nearly 100 more pages than the earlier edition. We also have a spiral bound Organ edition. Click here for details.  

As promised, the second edition is greatly improved. This new edition contains over 400 chants and hymns (50% more than the first edition), with the harmonizations brought into conformity with what is commonly in use.  We have also made vast improvements to the organization of the materials.

Click Here to view the Alphabetical Index

It contains all the most commonly-used chants and hymns in traditional communities including:

  • Ordinary Chants of the Mass, AspergesVidi Aquam, tones for the Mass responses, etc.
  • Kyriale (Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei) in Gregorian notation for ten Masses. Five Credos 
  • Hymns and chants for every liturgical season, Feast day, and general use, e.g., Sacred Heart, Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy Souls, etc
  • Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
  • Confirmation Service
  • Marriage Service and Nuptial Mass
  • Requiem Mass and Burial Service 
  • Litany of the Saints, Rogation days Procession, Forty Hours Devotion. 

This is the Choir/Organ version of our 2nd edition Traditional Hymnal and contains multiple indices to make this one of the easiest hymnals to use. We’ve included an index for Titles, Authors, Translators, and Composers, and even included a compatibility index to the first edition hymnal. 

560 pp. Choir Edition. Hardcover with durable sewn binding.


Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Mario Lander
Great hymnal book

Useful for those who wish to participate more fully in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, to sing the chants and hymns. Takes a bit getting used to because of its weight and width, but with time it should be all right. Overall, happy with the purchase

William Miller

This Hymnal is certainly something special. I am not a musician but at least know enough that the music contained therein is far superior to what is heard in the novus ordo. It is hoped that it will be put to good use when my home parish returns to Tradition.

Kelsey Villalobos

My parish has used to First Edition of this hymnal for years, and they were slowly falling apart. I had such high hopes for the Second Edition, unfortunately, I was disappointed. The hymns are in different keys, with different chord progressions, and almost without fail, the alto and bass parts are painful to attempt. The alto parts sometimes even have tritones in them. Additionally, some of the hymns are not appropriate for Catholic hymnal, while others are harder than before. The Second Edition added so many hymns and chants, but still have not added the Solemn Tone 'Te Deum.' Overall, the new hymnal was a major disappointment.