SKU: 5045 | ISBN: 9780935952131
A popular study of the crisis in the Church written for all to understand. Covers the Mass, Sacraments, Priesthood, the New Catechisms, Ecumenism, etc., and demonstrates the new spirit in the Church which has caused doubt and confusion among the faithful. Has served as a beacon for thousands; certain to become a classic.
163 pp. Softcover.
eBOOK Available Here: Open Letter to Confused Catholics
For truth seekers on matters regarding Vatican II council, this letter explains all, reverses confusion and encourages Church Militant to carry on fighting for Holy Mother the Church, the salvation of souls.
After attending novus ordo Catholic schools up to the college level, it was truly a great revelation to learn about the Latin Mass. Only after praying the Rosary and returning to Confession was this sinner lead by Grace to the the words of Fr. Gregory Post the Church will eventually see the "canonization of the Archbishop." Reading traditional Catholic books is certainly a must in the conversion process.
Explains so much that's happening today from the perspective of almost 50 years ago. As a man in his late twenties, it makes me sad what we lost after the council that I never got to live in, but all the more to give thanks to God for his courageous servant Lefebvre!
Great historical account and insight into the SSPX and the years surrounding Vatican 2! Highly recommend for all Catholics to read!
This little book packs a deceptively big punch. The good archbishop covers a variety of issues with sharp insight, precise diagnosis, and a clear path forward. The book is just as relevant (if not more so) in 2021 as it was in the late '80s. He saw very clearly through modernism in the Church and humanism in society, but most uniquely, had the courage to speak openly against these destructive trends. As is clear from the title, the book is addressed to confused, scandalized, and perhaps even disheartened Catholics. However, where it differs from many current commentaries on the state of the Church is that it does not only raise alarm, but it offers hope, faith, and joy. The pain in his heart is almost palpable, but his faith is contagious.
This is a great book to give to friends who are scandalized or confused by the current state of the Church, whether the denial of sacraments, cooperation with evil governments, or problematic doctrinal positions.
O Lord my God, in thee have I put my trust...
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