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Join the SSPX US District's new program for supporting priests in the United States!

In conjunction with the summer priestly ordinations of the Society of St. Pius X, the newest Future Fund appeal letter of Fr. Wegner continues to focus on the priesthood and the importance of financially supporting our priests. A key component of Father's appeal is his establishment of a special group, In Partnership With Priests. The letter and a photo gallery can be viewed below, or you can view the PDF

Click here to Support our priests! Be sure to select Partnership for Priests from the drop down menu!! God bless you most abundantly for your prayers and support. 

Notre Dame de La Salette Boys Academy

Notre Dame de La Salette Boys Academy is a traditional Catholic boarding school founded in 2005 by the Society of St. Pius X.

Located in the farmland of east central Illinois, La Salette Academy provides a strong religious, academic, and physical formation in an immersive Catholic environment. Despite the school’s limited enrollment of under 100 students for optimum class size, La Salette’s quality facilities and sports programs rival that of much larger schools.

LaSalette Campus

Link: http://www.lasalette.net/donate/

Archbishop Lefebvre and the Benedictines

The last words spoken to the founders of this monastery remain forever engraved in their hearts: “Now is the time to do the impossible, you must do the impossible to establish oases of the faith, where the true spirit of the Church can be found. It is your duty to persevere in the true Faith. The impossible must be done to establish this Monastery.” (Among the last writings of Archbishop Lefebvre, extract from a personal letter to Fr. Cyprian, March 1991)

Founded in 1991 in the southern Rocky Mountains that overlook Silver City, New Mexico, Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery is the home of a young community of Benedictine monks. The secluded, mountainous site, the silence and austere beauty of the high-desert terrain all join together to bespeak the particular vocation of this monastic foundation: the primacy of contemplation, a return to the spirit of the monks of Christian antiquity who, with the blessing of the Church, established a unique way of life lived for the honor and glory of God alone.

Link: http://www.ourladyofguadalupemonastery.com/donate.html

Franciscan Sisters of Christ the King

"What the Franciscans did once, they can do again!"

These are the words of Fr. Eugene N. Heidt, the founder of the Franciscan Sisters of Christ the King. He established this community of sisters to follow in the footsteps of Saint Francis, helping to rebuild the Church through traditional Catholic education. Like Saint Francis, these Sisters would begin from nothing, completely dependent on the generosity of others, rebuilding the Franciscan way of life. Nothing less than the Franciscan approach would suffice —the total giving of self in response to Christ’s love for us; great, loving acts of trust in the Providence of God; confidence in God’s ability to work through weak human beings.

The Franciscan Sisters of Christ the King. The congregation's founders, Fr. Eugene Heidt and Mother Mary Herlinda, are on the right. The Franciscan Sisters of Christ the King. The congregation's founders, Fr. Eugene Heidt and Mother Mary Herlinda, are on the right.

"God writes straight with crooked lines."

Our foundress, Rev. Mother Mary Herlinda, quotes Fr. Heidt. When she told him she was too old to help found a new community, this was his response. She decided that her age would not stand in the way of God’s Will. Her unwavering faith in God, her dedication to the Rule of Saint Francis, and her unfailing courage provide the cornerstone of our foundation.

Our prayer life centers around the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered by the priests of the Society of St. Pius X and also by priests who work with the SSPX. Next in importance is the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary said in Latin and community prayers said in English, including the Holy Rosary.

"Francis, go, repair my house, which as you see, is falling completely to ruin!"

Link: http://archives.sspx.org/Vocations/franciscans_in_the_usa.htm

St. Mary's Academy & College

The St. Mary's Academy & College campus is owned and operated by the Society of St. Pius X, an international priestly society founded in 1970 by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre to maintain the traditional Catholic priesthood and all the works related to it.

Incorporated in Kansas, the mission of our schools is spelled out in the statutes of the Society of St. Pius X: "Schools, truly free and unfettered, able to bestow on youth a thoroughly Christian education, shall be fostered and, if need be, founded by the members of the Society. From these will come vocations and Christian homes" (Statutes III, 4).

The Academy serves children in grades K - 12, while the College offers an Associate's degree in Liberal Arts.

Link: http://www.smac.edu/?DonateMain

St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary

We are St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary, a Roman Catholic seminary located in Dillwyn, Virginia. We are one of five international seminaries of the Society of St. Pius X.

Our Formation
The formation is not merely academic, but a transformation of the young man into a living and breathing example of Faith, an unfaltering source of Hope, and radiating Love. He will stand in the midst of the world as a pillar of strength, a cooling fountain of peace and doctrine for nourishment, and a light shining in the darkness.

Our Impact
The priests who have come from our seminary reach out into the world to touch the peoples of every culture. The Society of St. Pius X is located in over 35 countries and is daily growing in number.

We pass on what has been given to us. We hold to the traditional philosophy and theology that have been handed down through the ages. The traditional liturgy we pass on nourishes hundreds of thousands of men, women and children around the globe. We see it as a sacred reality, an expression of the Truth, and freely give it to anyone we come into contact with.

Our impact penetrates into the social atmosphere by humanitarian aid and education. As our founder was a missionary in Africa for many years, we want to impact each person we contact with a missionary spirit. A spirit that gives itself whole heartedly for others.

Link: http://www.newseminaryproject.org/

Our Lady of Sorrows - Phoenix, Arizona

Due to their rapidly growing community, and the construction of a new Church, please consider helping us. In addition to a daily Tridentine Mass Our Lady of Sorrows offers a variety of activities for families of all ages. Please see our calendar for a way to plug into this growing community. 

OLOS Traditional Catholic School
Our school operates on site serving children a quality education for both elementary and high schoolers grades K-12. Please contact us, at 602-268-7673 for more information.

Retreat House
Each year Our Lady of Sorrows hosts over a dozen 3-5 day retreats for the spiritual benefit of hundreds of souls. Please contact us for more information, or view the schedule here.

Priory - We have five priests and two brothers in residence. 
