SKU: 8684 | ISBN: 9781937843816
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12 CD Set
Speakers and Topics:
Introduction - Fr. Wegner, District Superior, SSPX
The Three Ages of a Mission's Life - Fr. John Jenkins, SSPX
Paradise Lost: The Jesuit Missions in Paraguay - Fr. Juan-Carlos Iscara, SSPX
Decline of the Missionary Spirit Since Vatican II - Fr. John McFarland, SSPX
The Gate of the Beautiful: A Conversion Story - Sharif Said
Islam and the Middle East - Fr. Patrice Laroche, SSPX
A Traditional Approach to Protestantism Today - Fr. Jonathan Loop, SSPX
The Counter-Reformation on the Offensive: Jesuit Response to Protestantism - Dr. John C. Rao
Mexico and Central America - Fr. Lawrence Novak, SSPX
Archbishop Lefebvre, the Missionary - Bishop Tissier de Mallerais, SSPX
Charles de Foucauld - Andrew Clarendon, M. A.
Sermon at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church - Bishop Tissier de Mallerais, SSPX
The Catholic Church as the New Israel - Fr. Christopher Brandler, SSPX
Round Table Q & A with Selected Speakers - Fr. Christopher Brandler, Fr. John Jenkins, Fr. Jonathan Loop, Andrew Clarendon
Conclusion - Fr. Wegner, District Superior, SSPX
All of these presentations are very good and important for souls converting from the novus ordo. One of the most convincing factors is the picture of Pope Pius XII standing with Archbishop Lefebvre in Rome. The pre-Vatican II papal encyclical "Evangelii Praecones" should be mentioned as this conference seems to be an extension of such. Good thing the Archbishop went on with the 1988 consecrations.
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