A Family of Brigands in 1793 Paperback

Marie de Sainte-Hermine

SKU: 9114 PB  |  ISBN: 9780983170587

A Family of Brigands in 1793 

Plunged into the disasters following the murder of King Louis XVI, Marie de Sainte-Hermine shares the eye-witness account of her noble family’s struggle against the tyranny of the Revolution. She tells of her gilded childhood, the Vendean War of 1793, the massacres and atrocities of the revolutionaries, and the sinister prison of Nantes where her family paid the ultimate price. In spite of the darkness brought on by the Terror, the light and power of Christian nobility and virtue always endures. This story will inspire all who read it and stands, to this day, as an enduring example of Catholic heroism in times of persecution and war.  

This is a Catholic historical adventure filled with intrigue, disguises, escape, betrayal, revenge, danger, death, and love. It exemplifies the Catholic ideals for marriage and shows how God must be served above all else even when revenge and hate are common everywhere. 

“In reading the history of your ancestors who have suffered so much here below, you will understand better that there is but one irreparable disaster: to betray one’s duty and to lose one’s soul. You will understand that the greatest evils of this life last but for a time, and that the Christian must keep his eyes ever raised toward Heaven…Always keep the Faith, the Faith for which your ancestors died; it is the most precious of all goods.” —Marie de Sainte-Hermine

Reprinted countless times in French, this is, to our knowledge - the first English edition ever.

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Impresses itself on your memory

The narrative is overall sad, but the story is just so unforgettable and I couldn't hardly put the book down.

Epic memoir - beautiful tragedy

What an amazing life and so well-told!

Tricia Larson
Everyone should read this book!

Absolutely wonderful book! I loved everything about it and couldn't put it down, especially towards the end. The fact that this family went through so much and was still so strong in their faith is such a testament of hope and love of God. Absolutely beautiful and I hope they are all together again, enjoying their eternal reward for all their sufferings on earth. Get this book - you won't be disappointed!

Sara Strain
Great fiction written by a gifted priest

I read this book believing it was a true story. It was such a beautiful, sad, inspiring story that I had a hard time putting it down to do my daily duties. I mentioned the book to a priest (who is able to translate French to English) who also read it, and he told he researched and verified that this book was fiction and that the author (Rev. Fr. Jean Charruau, S.J.) was a priest who had written other books in a similar style, where the reader is led to believe that the story is written by a character in the book. Rev. Fr. Jean Charruau wrote his books in French, so I am unable to verify his writing style. There is one title translated to English entitled “Brother and Sister” which I hope to purchase in order to have the pleasure of reading another book written by this fine, talented author! “A Family of Brigands in 1793” has left a lasting impression on my mind of the power of love, prayer, charity, sacrifice, forgiveness and suffering.
If there really was a Marie de Sainte-Hermine who eye witnessed or participated in the events that were written about in this book, I hope to meet her in Heaven.

Matthew Billeaud

Great book about an important Catholic and world event