An Introduction to Catholic Social Doctrine - eBook

Fr. Dominque Bourmaud, SSPX

SKU: EB8754  |  ISBN: 9781949124316

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Why is Social Doctrine Necessary?

“Because Holy Mother Church knows that it is much more difficult to work out one’s salvation in a godless materialistic world like Communist China and North Korea…or in any liberal Western country where divine and natural law are no longer respected.”

Learn to defend the Catholic principles behind:

  • Politics, religion, and the relationship between Church and State
  • The nature of man as an intelligent, free, spiritual, and moral being
  • The structure of society and its duties towards God
  • The dangers religious liberty poses to society
  • Political economy and false notions surrounding it
  • The nature of authority and its function  
  • The family as an authentic domestic society
  • The role of Church and State in education and schooling  

This easy-to-read book is essential to maintaining a true Catholic understanding of man and society. Sadly, Catholic social principles have been ostracized from contemporary life for more than a century. This excellent tool combats the modern world and helps restore those lost principles, first in the home and then in the wider society in which we live.

“Catholic social doctrine is the sum of truths and principles enshrined in the Church’s magisterium and drawn from natural law and revelation, which deals with all aspects of man’s social life. Its main goal is the advancement of the kingdom of God on earth. This divine kingdom promotes the transformation of the world in agreement with the Catholic Faith. It has an impact on all aspects of life, both social and economic.”