Angelus Apr 1982

Angelus Press


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Articles: Arms of Pope Leo XIII

  • An extract from the Apostolic Letter Testem Benevolentiae, 22 January 1899, addressed by Pope Leo XIII to His Eminence Cardinal Gibbons, of Baltimore, True and False Americanism In Religion
  • Pauline Keenan, 1965, Poem: Foolish Men
  • Hesione M. Dutton, Poem: The Turin Shroud
  • My Forgotten Prayers & My Forgotten Saints, The Resurrection
  • The Archbishop in Australia: A Distinguished Catholic Speaks Out
  • Archbishop Lefebvre, Letter to Friends and Benefactors
  • Don Fantz, Poem: Reflections upon visiting the remains of an abandoned seminary chapel 
  • Michael Davies, The Schismatic Six
  • The New Jersey Catholic News
  • Published in Itineraires of November 1981, Translated by Fr. John Emmerson, A Bishop Exercises His Right To Use The Tridentine Mass
  • Reprinted from the Bulletin of Father Tom O'Mahony's Holy Trinity Parish, El Paso, TX. Sister Therese Kane And Catholic Doctrine
  • Letter From the Editor
  • Question and Answer
    • More information, please, about the "Junkyard Nun."
    • When the Popes sign their names they end with "p.p." like Pius Duodecimus p. p., or Joannis Paulus II p.p. Also, why does a bishop, when signing his name, precede it with a small cross?
    • I am a new subscriber to The Angelus so I don't know if this question has been asked or not. Do you know if Pope John Paul II has expressed his viewpoints or feelings about Archbishop Lefebvre and (or) the traditionalist movement?