Angelus Apr 1988

Angelus Press


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  • Don Bosco, Madonna, A Tribute to Our Lady
  • Memoirs of Jozsef Cardinal Mindzenty
  • News Brief
    • Sari Gilbert, Pope said to be moving closer to reconciliation with Lefebvre
  • Fr. Christopher Hunter, A Cry for Traditional Catholic Action
  • David Jackson, Why I Am A Traditionalist
  • Emanuel Valenza, Communist Propoganda and the Spanish Civil War
  • Anne Carroll, A Brief History of the Spanish Civil War
  • Thomas Artz, Fr. Francis X. Seelos - A Saintly Priest of the 1800's
  • Fr. Krupa, O.F.M., In the Chains of the Hammer and Sickle - A Hungarian Priest's Personal Account of His Prison Experiences, Part 7

Question and Answer

  • Can Traditional Roman Catholics attend Tridentine Mass celebrated in Old Roman Catholic Churches?
  • Are Confessions heard by SSPX priests valid?
  • Why is Bishop Vezelis opposing Archbishop Lefebvre?