Angelus Aug 1994

Angelus Press


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Articles: Work and Worship

  • The Archbishop Speaks, Interview with Jose Hanu and Archbishop Lefebvre, Part 21 - whether the sanctions against Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre were in accord with Canon Law.
  • Archbishop Lefebvre, Liberalism in Civil Society, part seven
  • Charles A. Coulombe, Each Ear and Handful in the Sheaf
  • Dr. Peter Chojnowski, Leisure as the Basis of Culture, Part 2
  • The Conciliar Church Adrift
  • Gary Potter, Observations and Reflections: A Catholic Perspective
  • Mrs. Paul Middlemore, A Mother's View: All in a Day's Work
  • Dr. Michael Berton, The Eternal Work and the Labor of Time
  • Brother Augustine, Book Review: The Order of Melchisedech by Michael Davies (Defense of Catholic Priesthood)

Question and Answer

  • What is the purpose of manual labor?
  • Why do so many of our most fervent prayers seem to remain unanswered?
  • How did the Catholic Church get it's name?