Angelus Aug 1999

Angelus Press


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Articles: Archbishop Lefebvre In Memoriam, R.I.P., Part 1

  • Fr. Michel Simoulin, Archbishop Lefebvre In Memoriam - An Account of His Last Days
  • Ed Willock, Holiness for Men: Excerpt from Fatherhood and Family
  • Fr. Alain Delagneau, Catholic Education, Part 7
  • Colleen Drippíé, Kids vs. Children
  • Edward G. Lengel and Matthew M. Anger, The Rise and Decline of Nationalism
  • Dr. Justin Walsh, Roman Catholicism and American Utopianism, Part 1: The Divergent Path of Orestes A. Brownson and Isaac T. Hecker

Catholic Family

  • Mrs. Cindy D. Carroll, Food for Thought About Food: This is the first half of a two-part series concerning meals as an expression of charity in the Catholic Family
  • St. Maximilian Kolbe, Joyful News
  • TV is Boring
  • Catholic Shrines in America: Shrine of St. Mary of the Oaks in Marxville, WI
  • Apologetics for Beginners: Robert Schuber's essay on whether or not the Church still exists, and if so, where?

Question and Answer

  • I have a relative in her early '30's, who has not been baptized, I was taught that anyone can baptize, if no priest is available.
  • If we are to say that Mary is the Mother of God, must we not also admit that she is Mother of the Divinity?
  • When a "born-again" Protestant strikes up a conversation asking "Who is Jesus?" and "Do you have a personal relationship with Him?" what is a good way to reply?