Angelus August/September 2011

Angelus Press

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  • Fr. Markus Heggenberger, Letter from the Editor 
  • Fr. Regis de Cacqueray, A New Rosary Crusade 
  • Fr. Marc Alain Nely, Does Truth Exist? 
  • Fr. Paul Robinson,  The Obedience of Two Saints: Mother Mary of the Cross & Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre 
  • An Interview with Fr. Christopher Pieroni Fr. Xavier Beauvais,  The Battle for Purity 


  • Theological Criteria for the Condemnation of the World Day of Prayer for Peace
  • Assisi 1986-2011, The Missed Debate
  • Fr. Yves le Roux, Crisis of Paternity 
  • Bishop Bernard Fellay, Ordination Sermon
  • Interview with Bishop Fellay in Gabon, on the 25th Anniversary of Saint Pius X's Mission

​Spiritual Life

  • Fr. Xavier Beauvais,  Neither Hot nor Cold...Lukewarm 
  • Fr. Bernard-Marie de Chivre, Spiritual Life within Marriage 

​Vatican II

  • Fr. Albert, The Last Battle of Garrigou-Lagrange 


  • Dr. David Allen White,  Brideshead Revisited, A CommentaryPart 6 

​Church and World

  • Humors and Rumors
  • Brazil: Saturday, May 28, 2011, Bishop Rifan Concelebrates a Mass in Rio
  • For Cardinal Tauran, the Three Monotheistic Faiths Must Unite
  • 20 new priests for SSPX Ordinations 2011
  • Archbishop Brugues Deplores the Collapse of Christian Culture
  • Pakistan: Over 700 Christian Women Abducted, Forcibly Married and Converted to Islam each year
  • Syria: Some Bishops Dread the Rise of Islamism
  • Pentecost Pilgrimage from Chartres to Paris (June 11-13, 2011)
  • Rome-SSPX Doctrinal Discussions Over, Assessment Set for September
  • Vatican: Msgr. Pozzo Speaks of the Theological Discussion
  • Hawaii 6: SSPX Faithful Not Excommunicated

Questions and Answers

  • What constitutes martyrdom?
  • May I immunize my children with vaccines developed from cell lines that were originally derived from an aborted fetus?

The Last Word

  • Bishop Bernard Fellay, FSSPX