Angelus Dec 1993

Angelus Press


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Articles: Empress of the Americas

  • Prayer Crusade for Vocations
  • The Archbishop Speaks, Interview with Jose Hanu and Archbishop Lefebvre, Part 13 - bad fruits of Vatican II; comments about wearing of the cassock
  • Gary Potter, Observations and Reflections: A Catholic Perspective
  • Charles A. Coulombe, So Far From God - Poor little Mexico so far from God
  • Dominican Sisters, Parent's Meeting: Necessity of proper spiritual formation in children through discipline and the proper use of authority 
  • Declaration of the Priests of Campos
  • Rev. Mr. Thomas Bute, Book Review: The Mouth of the Lion by Dr. David Allen White - About Bishop de Castro Mayer and the Last Catholic Diocese
  • Mrs. William Kimball, A Mother’s View: Celebrating Advent and Christmas in the Home

Question and Answer

  • -Is it advisable for a Catholic to marry a non-Catholic?
  • -Why do marriages fail?


  • The Apparent Victory of Modernism Exposed and Denounced by St. Pius X, Part 3: Henri De Lubac: A Master who had never been a disciple: His liberal inclinations and theological deformation