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- Litany of Humility (which Cardinal Merry del Val was accustomed to recite after the celebration of Mass)
- Fr. Franí_ois Laisney, Virus Humanism, part 1
- News Brief:
- Gratitude for Wife's Health Leads to 90 foot statue
- High Court in Canada Strikes Down Abortion Ban
- Judge Denies Damnjanjuk Request to Pray in Court
- Julia Grimer, Popular Action Against Creeping Pluralism
- Emanuel Valenza, Marquette's Moral Theology Professor: Daniel Maguire-Doctor of Death
- Fr. Gregory Foley, The Proud Knight
- A True Story by Judy Mamou, The Feat I Felt - story of Abortion
- Philip Caraman, S.J., St. Philip Evans, S.J.
- Archbishop Lefebvre, The Archbishop Speaks: The Apostolic Visit and the Consecration of Bishops
- Fr. Krupa, O.F.M., In the Chains of the Hammer and Sickle - A Hungarian Priest's Personal Account of His Prison Experiences, Part 5
Question and Answer
- In Mexico City a doctor is treating Parkinson's disease by implanting brain tissue taken from aborted babies. Is this any different from implanting blood tissue as is done in transfusions?
- How far did Our Lord walk from Pilate's palace to the foot of the cross? Did Our Lord only carry the cross-piece?
- What does one do when there is no traditional chapel in reach where the True Mass is said?