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Articles: Angelus Press Moves to Kansas City, MO from Dickinson, TX
Select Article Reprints from Past Magazine Issues:
July 1978, The New Inquisition: The Case of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, by Thomas Molnar
Poems from Select Issues, The Psalm of T.V.; In a lighter Vein
April 1979, Pope Paul VI, The World Pays Its Tribute, by Michael Davies
August 1980, The Archbishop Speaks: To Remain a Good Catholic Must One Become a Protestant?
December 1984, The Errors of Luther and the Spirit of Today, by Fr. Franz Schmidberger
July 1988, Bishop for Eternity
August 1982, Roman Protestants, by Reverend Basil Wrighton
July 1988, Pharisaic Scandal! by Fr. Fernando Areas Rifan
March 1981, The Angelus: Some History and Meditations, by Mary E. Gentges
August 1985, St. Vincent of Lerins +450A.D.
November 1978, Pope St. Gregory VII, by Donald Fantz
June 1984, Poems: Sorrow, A Night Prayer, The Right Must Win
June 1978, English Martyrs: St. Margaret Clitherow, by Dr. Malcolm Brennan
December 1990, Ambrose Observes: The beasts who were present at the Nativity
August 1983, Worldlings: Enemies of Religion: The Bishops and Abortion, by Dr. Malcolm Brennan
October 1991, Cardinal Henri de Lubac Dies
January 1979, The New Family Improvement Solution, by John Brennan
October 1990, A Mother's View: The Family Rosary, by Mary Ann Shapiro
May 1985, Twenty-four Golden Rules For Raising Children
Select Issues, Question and Answer
?The Catholic Conservative vs. Catholic Traditionalist. What is the difference?
Is it traditional for the people attending Mass to answer the prayers of Mass out loud?
What happens to unbaptized infants?
If all the power in heaven and on earth has been given to the Pope, why can't he change the Mass as much as he wants to?