Angelus Jan 2000

Angelus Press


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  • Pastoral Letters
  • The Holy Ghost: The Craftsman of Souls
  • Relinquish All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here - The Modern Nursing Home
  • The 1988 Consecrations: Canonical Study, Part 2
  • A Politically Incorrect Monk - The Servant of God, Fr. Mark d'Aviano
  • Heresy in the Making, Part 1

Book Review

  • Fr. Brandler, I Kissed Dating Goodbye

Question and Answer

  • What is the authority of Canon Law?
  • Is it true that the Church frowns on the use of Gothic vestments, preferring the Roman cut?

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  • Pastoral Letters
  • The Holy Ghost: The Craftsman of Souls
  • Relinquish All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here - The Modern Nursing Home
  • The 1988 Consecrations: Canonical Study, Part 2
  • A Politically Incorrect Monk - The Servant of God, Fr. Mark d'Aviano
  • Heresy in the Making, Part 1

Book Review

  • Fr. Brandler, I Kissed Dating Goodbye

Question and Answer

  • What is the authority of Canon Law?
  • Is it true that the Church frowns on the use of Gothic vestments, preferring the Roman cut?