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Articles: St. Aloysius Gonzaga: Patron of Youth
Frank Backitis, In Search of Catholic Lithuania: Our Lady of the Dawn - Patroness of Lithuania
P. Juan Carlos Ceriani, Social Consequences Resulting from the Abandonment of the Spirit of Sacrifice
Letter from the SSPX Sisters
St. Aloysius Gonzaga: Patron of Youth
News Brief:
Catholic View of Ecumenism as a Return to Rome is Changing
Catholic Bishop Warns Hispanics Being Lost to Fundamentalists
Jews Frustrated by Vatican's Failure to Recognize Israel
Lefebvre's St. Pius X Society Starting Branch in Southern India
Teacher of the Year Says Faith Tied to Performance in Classroom
India, In "New Policy," Continues to Deport Catholic Missionaries
Catholic Bishops Aid Has Advice for Changing Seminary Training
Pope Pius XI, Christian Education of Youth, Part 1
R.F.Nelson, Sacrilege of Communion in the Hand
Archbishop Lefebvre, Ordinations at Ridgefield Sermon
Question and Answer
Is it permitted to put holy water on pets?
Do the Saints cry for us?
Does the Church teach that souls in Purgatory can or cannot hear our prayers?
Are the charismatics a modern-day manifestation of what the Apostles experienced when the Holy Ghost came upon them and they began to speak in tongues?