Angelus Jun 1994

Angelus Press


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Articles: Quest of the Militant Church
  • The Archbishop Speaks, Interview with Jose Hanu and Archbishop Lefebvre, Part 19 - about his condemnation from Rome in 1975
  • Priests of the Diocese of Campos, Brazil, Do Faithful Priests Have Jurisdiction?
  • Michele Reboul, The Vatican-Israel Accord, Part 2
  • Gary Potter, Observations and Reflections: A Catholic Perspective
  • Charles A. Coulombe, Quest for the Catholic State
  • Mrs. Kathy DeLallo, A Mother’s View: I Will Bless Thee (Trust in God)
  • Dr. Thomas Molnar, Is the Welfare State Charitable?

Question and Answer

  • What are the foundations of social justice?
  • What is the Church’s understanding of social justice?


  • The Apparent Victory of Modernism Exposed and Denounced by St. Pius X, Part 6: Cardinal Ratzinger