Angelus Mar 1982

Angelus Press


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Articles: St. Patrick

  • Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, The Archbishop Speaks: Homily at Bordeaux, France - May 24, 1981
  • Religious News Service, An Interview With the Archbishop: "Lefebvre Gives His Version of His Catholicism"
  • Anthony A. Mazzone, False Philosophies of the Modern World: The Materialist Creed
  • Andre Lemieux, News from Ecône
  • Cardinal Newman, Christ's Privations: A Meditation for Christians
  • Malcolm Brennan, The Future of the Papacy - About the book: The Decline and Fall of the Roman Church, by Malachi Martin
  • Lenten Meditation for Women from The Carrying of the Cross, by Sister Mary Jean Dorcy: Our Lady of Faith
  • Angel Talk: A Word Puzzle for Children by Mary E. Gentges
  • Poetry for Lent
    • Hesione Dutton-Queen of Apostles
    • Anne Cronin-David's Psalm on the Passion and Triumph of Messias
    • David Read-To Saint John the Baptist
  • The Dedication of St. Vincent de Paul Church in Kansas City: Resurrexit
  • Question and Answer
    • Around Christmas time, Seminary and Mission Mass Leagues and Mass Associations send us offers by mail whereby we can have our living and deceased loved ones benefitted by a large number of Masses. What are we to do about this?
    • What is the decision of the Church on visions of Our Lady of Garabandal, Spain?
    • The new Code of Canon Law has dropped the excommunication for Catholics joining the Masons. What would you say if Pope John Paul II sanctions this new Code?
    • A recent court decision in Little Rock has overturned the Arkansas state law which required equal treatment by classroom teachers of both the theory of evolution and creationism. The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) objected to the teaching of creationism and won in the U.S. District Court. What do you think of the ACLU? Are Catholics allowed to teach evolution or to believe in it?