Angelus Mar 1988

Angelus Press


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  • Michael Davies, The Rebel Bishops
  • Fr. François Laisney, Virus Humanism, part 2
  • Fr. Daniel Couture, From the Land of St. Patrick
  • Mr. Wayne Nichols, In Response to Fr. Bruckberger's Article - concerning Apologia Pro about Marcel Lefebvre
  • News Brief
    • Apostolic Visit May Lead to Vatican Settlement With Lefebvre
  • Fr. Gregory Sim, C.SS.R., Traditional Redemptorists For the English Speaking World
  • Dan Paulos, The Staircase of Santa Fe: St. Joseph's Staircase
  • F. E. Callaghan, The Crack and the Cracked Pots - California Churches
  • Poem: In the Shadow of the Cross, by I. A. Timmers
  • J. Augustine, The Significance of the Miracles of Stich
  • Fr. Krupa, O.F.M., In the Chains of the Hammer and Sickle - A Hungarian Priest's Personal Account of His Prison Experiences, Part 6

Question and Answer

  • What happens to babies from abortion and miscarriages? 
  • Was there a council in the earlier Church that was later repudiated?
  • If Pope Pius V specified his Mass to be said in perpetuity, then why has every Pope since then added their bit?