Angelus October 2010

Angelus Press

SKU: pang1010

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  • Fr. Markus Heggenberger, Letter from the Editor
  • Angelus Press, Interview with Fr. Niklaus Pfluger
  • Fr. Dominique Bourmaud, The 1974 Declaration
  • Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, The Authority of Vatican II Questioned Part 10
  • John A. Oesterle, Towards an Evaluation of Music
  • Norbert Clasen, Legal Proceedings Against Catholic Priests
  • Angelus Press, A Brief History of the Society of Saint Pius X
  • DICI, Interview with Fr. Sten Sandmark
  • Dr. David Allen White, Dante's Purgatorio: Reading and Commentary Part 6
  • Andrew J. Clarendon, The Meaning of Waiting: Two Responses to Suffering in Modern Drama
  • Fr. Thomas Jatzkowski, The Lord's Prayer Part 6

Church and World:

  • Lay Eucharistic Ministers Not Entitled to Position according to Archbishop Burke
  • Philippines: Mission Rosa Mystica
  • Spain: The Bishops Speak Out Against the Abortion Law

Question and Answer

  • Does mortal sin destroy merit forever?
  • Does one strike one's breast at the Hail Holy Queen and the consecration at Mass?

The Last Word

  • Crimes and Punishment